Schedule Tab

On the schedule tab, you can add and delete items from user schedules, as well as being able to see all current schedules. The search function, for large user bases, allows you to find specific users more easily. You can also add user notes, which are displayed alongside their calendar.

You can change the time period by clicking on the current displayed period and using the drop-down menu.

Time Period

Projects Tab

Using the projects tab, you can view all of the different projects that are currently ongoing within your organization.

Projects Tab

These different projects can be scheduled into the calendar, assigned to users, and managed through this page.

Project Overview

Clicking on one of the projects, you come to the project overview page.

Project Overview

Here you can see various information about a project, such as start date, end date, budget, hard costs, etc. On the bottom of the page, you can manage billings and subprojects attached to the project, as well as adding different users to the team in charge of managing the project.

Bottom of Page


After the overview, the schedule page allows you to keep track of the schedule attached to a project, adding or deleting items, and assigning users to schedule items.

Schedule Page

Task Page

On the tasks page, you can manage the tasks attached to a project, view assignees, hours worked, the status of different task items, and the dates attached to each task. The ‘Projection 1’ heading means that you are working within the first projection; you can add multiple projections for different estimates by clicking on this heading and using the dropdown menu.

First Projection

Notes Tab

Next, on the notes tab, you can create notes for your project. On the right side of a notes listing, by clicking ‘DETAILS’, you open the details, comments, and activity of the notes item, including general text and a description.


Files Tab

On the files tab, the different files attached to a project are listed. You can click on any of the items in this directory to be directed to the specific file.

Files Tab

Files can be opened within Rangeworks and downloaded, shared, and more.


Financials Tab

Lastly, the financials tab allows you to view and manage a vast amount of financial information connected with a project all in one place. The first section of the page shows you general information about the project, as well as important details such as the grand total amount spent or budgeted for the item.

Financials Tab

However, the page also allows managing itemized expenses for each aspect of the project, which can be imported or managed within the page.

Itemized Expenses

Moving on from the projects tab, the people tab is the last tab of the resources page. On this page, you can manage details such as wages, W9 and payroll information for different users/employees/contractors/anybody involved with your organization. You can also view the time stamp of their last activity on Rangeworks, their hourly rate, and change their status from active to inactive, or inactive to active.

People Tab

This concludes the exploration of the resources tab, within which a vast amount of information concerning users and different projects is contained and managed. Next up, we’ll take a look at the projects tab.