When you select the drive tab, your screen should look something like this:

Drive Tab

You can also access more functionalities by selecting the drive header of the table.

Drive Options

As before, the ’+’ button is useful for adding new content to the table. By selecting it, you’re able to upload new files and new folders into the drive. Once you have this content uploaded, you can share it by selecting the share button. On the first screenshot, if you are selecting a specific folder, you would see that directory, but when you select show all folders you see this:

Drive Navigation

When it comes to the files/folders themselves, you can select the elipses (…) next to the different display options in order to bring up this menu, by which you can make name changes, move files, and send files to the trash.


If you want to upload a file to drive, you can hit the ’+’ button.

Add to Drive

After selecting file upload, you can choose a file from my computer to upload onto the drive. Select the file you want on the drive and click open. When you’ve successfully chosen your file or files, you’ll see this screen:


And once the image is finished uploading, you will see it in the drive. You can choose multiple files from your computer to upload at once, and once you have the file in your drive you can move it, delete it, share it, etc.

Those are the main functions of the drive tab. This concludes our exploration of the different features of Rangeworks, since we’ve gone through all of the tabs. Now all that’s left is for you to go through yourself and get personally acquainted with all the different features and functionalities of Rangeworks, a project management platform for producers.