Projects Page

Lists Format

The list format display shows details like status, client, contact, owner, and estimates, as well as the date the project opened and the date range assigned to it. Displaying in this format allows for an overview of a variety of information relating to the project, which can be modified by clicking on the name of the project. Other aspects can be modified in the list display, such as status.

Projects List

Kanban Display

In the Kanban display, the informational details which are included in the prior list format are not displayed—instead, projects are displayed in a Kanban board. Electronic Kanban allows for a lean, agile approach to project delivery, and the position of items on the Kanban board can be changed by dragging and dropping an item from one column to another as items progress through the delivery cycle.

Projects Kanban

Project Tab

Clicking on one of the project pages will bring you to project overview, which this guide has covered under the project tab section of the resources page guide.

Projects Tab

Like the schedule we’ve seen earlier, there is a search option which can be used to find specific clients, people, or projects, as well as the option to include another filter of information (the ’+’ button)

Add Project