When you open your dashboard, you’ll first see your projects, arranged in a Kanban board sorted according to the degree of completion. You can move items forwards on the board according to what stage of delivery they’re at.


When you have more items in the board, you can search through them using the search feature located above the dashboard. You can search through clients, people, projects, and more—as well, you can add other filters using the ’+’ button.

Plus button

Calendar Tab

If you want to see how different tasks, holds, and events are organized based on time, you can look at your calendar. The calendar tab displays different items according to their dates.

Calendar Tab

As you can see, it isn’t just your schedule that is shown—you can look at schedules from others in your organization. Our schedule looks a little sparse, so let’s try adding to it. To start, we’ll click on the calendar, on the day we want to schedule our event on. When we do so, this menu comes up:


Here we can enter all of the relevant details of the task, event, or hold, before entering it into the calendar. We can also change the color in the top right corner before we finalize it. As for display options, selecting that option opens this menu:

Display Options

You can play around with those until you find the format that suits you the best. I’ve inserted all the details of the event I’m planning on October 12th, and let’s look at the calendar now:

Event Calendar

There is now an event scheduled for the 12th.

Tasks Tab

The next section of the dashboard we should look at is the tasks tab. This is what it looks like:

Tasks Tab

On this page, we see the various tasks that are assigned to us, the date and time of these tasks, and the assignees. You can display the tasks you’ve created, the tasks assigned to you, and different holds. We only have one project currently open, the ‘Due in 2022’ project, but you can also choose which projects you want to display the tasks for. Here’s what it looks like when we deselect ‘Assigned to me’ underneath ‘Tasks’:

Assigned to me

You can also minimize task groups for better legibility.


Let’s try creating a new task group, and then a new task in that task group. To do so, we hit the ’+’ button on the right hand side of the page. When we do this, we get these two options:

Add Task Group

We want a new group, so we’ll select that.

New Group

After choosing a name for our new task group, this is what our page looks like.

Task Group With Name

Adding a new task afterwards is simple. We just go back to the ’+’ button, on the right side of the new task group, and choose to add a task row.

Add New Task

We have a new task, but we don’t have any information about it currently. We can change that by typing into the open space under the task name column header, and then selecting a project name. Afterwards, the task looks like this:

After New Task

You can add all of the tasks and task groups you need for your project.

Notes Section

Next, we can look at the notes section.

Notes Section

Here, you can make notes on different projects. One of the key functions is commenting, which you can do by mousing under the comment header and clicking on the icon when it appears.

Comments Header

Once you’ve selected this icon, the option to attach a file to the note and add a comment appear. You can also view the details and any activity relating the note.

Add Note

Just like the task section before, you can choose to display only notes you’ve created, or notes watched by you, in order to optimize your display.

Display Notes

Also like the task section, you can create a new note and a new note group by using the ’+’ button.

Add Note


The next section to cover is the timesheet. Of course, this is important to managing payments, holidays, sick leave, and more. This is what the timesheet page looks like:


The values inserted on this example are not real hours, it’s just to show the way different values are displayed. Inserting values here is self-explanatory, you can simply input the value. However, to insert the values for a range of time, you can use the ’+ button:

New Time Entry

Using these options, you can add different tasks, as well as holidays, sick leave, vacation, and comp time, as a time entry, which can be used on your timesheet. This is useful for setting forth different blocks of time for projects or a vacation.

If you want to change the block of time for your timesheet, you only have to select the date range on the top of the calendar, and a dropdown menu will allow you to select a new date/range.

Time Range

Once you’re finished with the timesheet for a specific block of time, you can submit your timesheet. You just have to select the submit timesheet button, and then you’ll have the option to add recipients and comments to your finalized timesheet:

Submit Timesheet

Now, your drafts will be awaiting review.


The last tab of the dashboard is chat. From the name, you probably have a good idea about what you would do here.


From this page, you can manage your active chats, as well as creating new ones. To create a new chat, go to the ’+’ button next to the chat channels heading, and this menu will pop up:

Choose a channel

From there, you can create a new chat channel. I chose one-to-one, and now it wants me to input the user I want to talk to.

One to one

You can type emojis and add attachments to the chat, as well as dragging and dropping files. The chat function allows for instant communication with other users,

This concludes the run through of the dashboard tab of Rangeworks. Next, we’ll go through the resources page, which will allow us to dive into more detail on tasks, projects, and users.