On the reports page, you can find these functionalities are in the status tab, which displays the status of different reports.

Reports Tab

Since there’s only one report, let’s try creating another one. To do so, you click on the ’+’ button on the right. This will display the three aforementioned options for a new report type, and for this example let’s choose timesheet.

New Report

Within this frame, you can assign clients, projects, and dates to your report. You can also select options to change the report fields included within the specific report. Once the report is submitted, it appears in the list. You can also further modify the report by clicking on it within the list once it has appeared there, and share it with other users.

Report Submitted

Budget Tab

This tab allows you to report the budgets for different groups and projects, and again you can add a new group by selecting the ’+’ button, as we did while creating a new report.

Budget Tab

Costs Forecast Tab

The costs forecast tab which displays the different forecasted costs for a variety of projects, alongside their status, budget, and other financial information. The information displayed is taken from the details of each individual project, which can be edited within the projects tab or by clicking on projects within this display and going to the project overview page.

Costs Forecast Tab

Sites Tab

The sites tab which provides meta information concerning projects, tasks, resources, files, events, site usage, and daily logins by users. Below are some examples of the different information displays contained within this tab. First, the breakdown of different projects by category:

Site Stats

Next, categorized project events:

Site Stats Events

You can even track the amount of time spent by different users within the Rangeworks system:

Time Spent

These are just some examples of the displays available within Rangeworks, and depending on your specific needs there will be functionalities which you gravitate to more than others. This section is useful for allowing you to see simple graphical displays of organizational information.

Having gone over the features of the reports tab, we can now move forward to the drive tab.